


  • 性别:男
  • 职称:教授
  • 学历:博士
  • 学科:

束文圣,男,安徽省庐江人,1968年9月出生,博士,华南师范大学生命科学学院教授 ,广东省珠江学者特聘教授,博士生导师,香港浸会大学环境科学研究所荣誉研究员,主要从事环境生物技术研究。 1989年获西北大学学士学位,1994年、1997年分别获中山大学硕士和博士学位。2000年以后,他在国际杂志发表论文40余篇。获国家发明专利5项。曾获泰国国王香根草研究奖、中国高校自然科学二等奖、中国有色金属总公司科技进步二等奖和中国环境科学学会第三届青年科技奖。获选教育部新世纪优秀人才、广东千百十工程省级培养对象。
























           Environmental Science & Technology, Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Restoration Ecology, Hydrobiologia, Pedosphere, Journal of Environmental Science, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology等杂志审稿人


1985.09–1989.07,西北大学生物学系,药用植物学,学士 1991.09–1994.07,中山大学生命科学学院,生态学(污染生态),硕士 1994.09–1997.07,中山大学生命科学学院,植物学(污染生态),博士
2017.08至今,华南师范大学生命科学学院,教授 2016.08至今,广东美格基因科技有限公司,首席科学家 2014.09–2017.01,中山大学生态与进化学院,教授,院长 2004.05–2017.01,中山大学生命科学学院,教授,副院长、常务副院长 2003.11–2017.01,中山大学生态学、环境科学专业,博士生导师 1997.07–2004.04,中山大学生命科学学院,讲师、副教授 1989.07–1991.09,安徽芜湖张恒春制药厂,助理工程师 1995至今,共有6次赴香港浸会大学进行为期2–4个月的短期合作研究
1. 矿山酸性废水中微生物-矿物相互作用与砷、汞甲基化研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,编号:41830318,296万,2019–2023,主持 2. 矿山酸性废水的微生物生态,广东省自然科学基金团队项目,编号:2016A030312003,300万,2016–2021,主持 3. 嗜酸硫酸盐还原菌(aSRB)生态与矿山酸性废水的净化机理,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,编号:20163300041031050,245万,2016–2019,主持 4. 矿业废弃地植被恢复中的酸化问题研究,广东省教育厅项目,编号:20143300042010918,120万,2014–2016,主持 5. 华南典型有色金属矿业废弃物酸化对重金属释放的影响极其控制原理,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,编号:20123300041030125,280万,2013–2016,主持 6. 杨桃与Cd污染土壤的修复及其根际效应,博士点基金,编号:20103300041150029,6万,2011–2012,主持 7. 极端酸性环境形成过程中微生物群落结构与功能演变,国家自然科学基金重点项目,编号:30970548,180万,2010–2013,主持 8. 广东重金属尾矿的高效经济生态恢复技术,广东省科技厅科技计划项目,编号:20093300042020008,10万,2009–2012,主持 9. 废弃金属尾矿环境风险评估体系及联合稳定修复技术研究,环保部公益性行业科研专项,编号:200909065,30万,2009–2012,子课题负责人 10. 尾矿原生演替过程中生物多样性演变与尾矿生态恢复,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号:40930212,35万,2010–2012,主持 11. 利用宏基因组技术在极端环境中大规模筛选植物抗逆基因资源,农业部转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,编号:2009ZX08009-002B,200万,2009–2010,主持 12. 金属矿区及周边重金属污染土壤联合修复技术与示范,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,编号:2007AA061001,60万,2008–2010,子课题负责人 13. 重金属尾矿的灌-草-苔藓联合修复技术,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,编号:2006AA06Z359,103万,2006–2008,主持 14. 深圳生物物种资源保护利用规划与监测预警体系,79万,2006–2006,主持 15. 重金属复合污染修复机理研究,广东省自然科学基金资助项目,编号:5003318,6万,2006–2008,主持人 16. 杨桃富集Cd机理与Cd污染的植物修复,广州市科技攻关项目,12万,2006–2008,主持 17. 深圳福田保税区国家生态工业园的调查与规划大纲,29万,2006–2007,主持 18. 重金属矿业废弃地生态恢复的理论与技术,中山大学启动项目,8万,2005–2007,主持 19. 重金属矿业废弃地的生态恢复,教育部新世纪优秀人才项目,50万,2005–2007,主持 20. 利用多金属超富集植物与重金属复合污染土壤的植物修复,教育部霍英东青年基金优选资助项目,编号:94022,2万(美元),2004–2006,主持 21. 重金属复合污染土壤植物修复的机理与技术,国家自然科学基金项目,编号:40471117,33万,2002–2004,主持 22. 重金属污染土壤修复技术与示范,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题(后续),编号:2001AA645010,27万,2004–2005,副组长 23. 人工湿地对矿山酸性废水的净化效能及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,编号:30100024,17万,2002–2004,主持 24. Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils,UGC, HK, ,3万(港币),2001–2003,主持 25. 锌污染土壤的植物修复研究,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,编号:2001AA645010-3,110万,2001–2003,副组长 26. 矿业废弃地优势植物的重金属耐性生态学研究,广东省自然科学基金资助项目,编号:990259,8万,2000–2002,主持 27. 香根草和百喜草对重金属的抗性及其对尾矿的复垦效果,广东省自然科学基金资助项目,6万,1999–2001,合作主持 28. 双穗雀稗的重金属耐性及其对铅锌尾矿的基质适应性研究,广东省自然科学基金资助项目(博士启动基金),2万,1999–2000,主持 29. 土壤生态自修复增强系统的高性能酯类材料产业化关键技术,广东省科技厅科技计划项目,编号:20153900042020334,800万,2015–2018,主要参与者 30. 我国水稻土固氮资源调查,国家科技计划项目,编号:20153300041130018,70万,2015–2020,主要参与者 31. 铅锌矿尾矿库重金属污染生态控制技术与环境管理研究,国务院其他部、委、局项目,编号:20153800041090589,520万,2015–2018,主要参与者 32. 水土流失治理与生态恢复的关键材料、技术与示范,广东省水利厅项目,编号:20143900042090117,46万,2014–2015,主要参与者 33. 水土保持与生态修复的新型纳米功能材料及控制技术,广东省科技厅科技计划项目,编号:20133900042020311,100万,2013–2014,主要参与者 34. 华南稻区转基因水稻中试与产业化基地建设,国家科技重大专项,编号:20103300041140028,245万,2010–2011,主要参与者 35. 杨桃富集镉特性、安全性评价及富集镉机理研究,广东省自然科学基金,编号:20063300042030392,5万,2006–2008,主要参与者 36. 广州市郊重金属污染土壤的植物修复,广州市科委重点项目,编号:200251-C7061,35万,2003–2005,主要参与者 37. 重金属复合污染土壤的植物修复技术,教育部科学技术研究重点项目,编号:031280,10万,2003–2005,主要参与者 38. 利用鸭跖草对铜污染土壤的植物修复研究,高校博士点基金,编号:20020558044,10万,2003–2005,主要参与者 39. 广东矿山废弃地的植物修复技术,广东省自然科学基金团队项目,20万,2007–2010,核心成员 40. 矿业废弃物酸化的预测与过程控制研究,国家自然科学基金项目,编号:39770154,11万,1998–2000,主要参与者 41. 中国几种主要类型矿业废弃地的复垦对策研究,国家自然科学基金项目,编号:39470146,7万,1995–1997,主要参与者 42. 广东省矿业废弃地的复垦对策研究,广东省自然科学基金资助项目,7万,1995–1997,主要参与者 43. 铅锌矿尾矿废弃地植被重建中的生态学问题研究,国家自然科学基金,编号:39270149,5.5万,1993–1995,主要参与者


1.      袁维芳,黎俊朗,王萌萌,曹百川,束文圣,王安娜,刘畅.2023. 一种降低抗生素抗性基因含量的修复材料及方法和应用. 申请号:ZL202311379419.82024年授权)

2.      曹百川,吴靖雯,王萌萌,黄显旺,王骁楠,曹百顺,束文圣.2023. 一种极端酸性高含砷矿渣的修复方法. 申请号:ZL202311699026.52024年授权)

3.      曹百川,王骁楠,李金天,王萌萌,束文圣.2023. 一种有色金属矿业废弃地土壤的修复方法. 申请号:ZL202310196997.12023年授权)

4.      陈亮,谢丽娟,许光远,俞陆军,胡敏,廖斌,束文圣. 2012. 一种重金属汞抗性相关蛋白DbsMerA及其编码基因和应用. 申请号:ZL201210079832.82013年授权)

5.      陈亮,谢丽娟,胡敏,俞陆军,廖斌,束文圣. 2011. 一种金属镉抗性相关蛋白DbsCPA2及其编码基因和应用. 申请号:ZL201110426759.22013年授权)

6.      谢丽娟,陈亮,许光远,俞陆军,胡敏,廖斌,束文圣. 2012. 一种金属镉抗性相关蛋白FKCadA1及其编码基因和应用. 申请号:ZL20121079675.02013年授权)

7.      谢丽娟,陈亮,许光远,俞陆军,胡敏,廖斌,束文圣. 一种助阳离子扩散蛋白DbsCDF及其编码基因和应用. 申请号:ZL20121079833.22013年授权)

8.      胡敏,陈亮,谢丽娟,俞陆军,廖斌,束文圣. 一种金属镉抗性相关蛋白UvrA及其编码基因和应用. 申请号:ZL201110426672.52013年授权)

9.      杨胜香,杨兵,廖斌,束文圣. 2009. 一种重金属污染土壤的改良方法. 申请号:ZL200910194051.12012年授权)

10.  杨兵,叶志鸿,周密,束文圣,蓝崇钰. 2009. 一种治理土壤重金属复合污染的方法. 申请号:ZL200910214428.52011年授权)

11.  杨兵,杨胜香,廖斌,束文圣. 2009. 一种重金属矿业排土场生态恢复方法. 申请号:ZL200910194050.72012年授权)

12.  龚亚龙,孙庆业,廖斌,宋勇生,束文圣. 2009. 一种植被联合修复重金属污染土壤的方法. 申请号:ZL200910194049.42011年授权)

13.  李金天,束文圣,廖斌,蓝崇钰. 2007. 一种治理土壤或水体镉污染的方法. 申请号:ZL200710030649.82010年授权)

14.  王宏镔,叶志鸿,蓝崇钰,束文圣. 2004. 一种治理土壤和水体砷污染的方法. 申请号:200410051874.62006年授权)

15.  邓冬梅,束文圣,廖斌,蓝崇钰,陈同斌,张军,彭光天. 2003. 一种宝山堇菜组培快速育苗方法,申请号:ZL200310117442.62006年授权)

16.  束文圣,刘威,张军,蓝崇钰. 2003. 利用如意草修复土壤和水体锌、镉污染的方法. 申请号:200310117443.02004年授权)

17.  束文圣,杨兵,任海,张志权,蓝崇钰. 2003. 一种生态绿化箱. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 03126539.12005年授权)

18.  束文圣,刘威,蓝崇钰. 2002. 堇菜在修复受铅、镉污染的土壤或水体中的用途. 中国发明专利,公开号:CN1449647A,授权号:ZL02134312.82005年授权)



1.          Chen, L., Wang, Y., Liu, H., Zhou, Y., Nie, Z., Xia, J., Shu, W.S., 2025. Different fates of Sb(III) and Sb(V) during the formation of jarosite mediated by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Journal of Environmental Sciences 147, 342-58.

2.          Zhou, Y.H., Huang, W.X., Nie, Z.Y., Liu, H.C., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Xia, J.L., Shu, W.S., 2024. Fe/S oxidationcoupled arsenic speciation transformation mediated by AMD enrichment culture under different pH conditions. Journal of Environmental Sciences 137, 681-700.

3.          Zhao, W.Y., Liu, Z.C., Shi, S., Li, J.L., Xu, K.W., Huang, K.Y., Chen, Z.H., Wang, Y.R., Huang, C.Y., Wang, Y., Chen, J.R., Sun, X.L., Liang, W.X., Guo, W., Wang, L.Y., Meng, K.K., Li, X.J., Yin, Q.Y., Zhou, R.C., Wang, Z.D., Wu, H., Cui, D.F., Su, Z.Y., Xin, G.R., Liu, W.Q., Shu, W.S., Jin, J.H., Boufford, D. E., Fan, Q., Wang, L., Chen, S.F., Liao, W.B., 2024. Landform and lithospheric development contribute to the assembly of mountain floras in China. Nature Communications 15.

4.          Zhang, J., Tang, A., Jin, T., Sun, D., Guo, F., Lei, H., Lin, L., Shu, W.S., Yu, P., Li, X., Li, B., 2024. A panoramic view of the virosphere in three wastewater treatment plants by integrating virallike particleconcentrated and traditional nonconcentrated metagenomic approaches. iMeta 3.

5.          Yi, X., Liang, J.L., Wen, P., Jia, P., Feng, S.W., Liu, S.Y., Zhuang, Y.Y., Guo, Y.Q., Lu, J.L., Zhong, S.J., Liao, B., Wang, Z., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2024. Giant viruses as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes. Nature Communications 15, 7536-.

6.          Xu, L., Yue, X.L., Li, H.Z., Jian, S.L., Shu, W.S., Cui, L., Xu, X.W., 2024. Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in the Marine Environments Revealed by Raman/FluorescenceGuided SingleCell Sorting and Targeted Metagenomics. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 7087-98.

7.          Shu, H.Y., Zhao, L., Jia, Y., Liu, F.F., Chen, J., Chang, C.M., Jin, T., Yang, J., Shu, W.S., 2024. CyanoStrainChip: A Novel DNA Microarray Tool for HighThroughput Detection of Environmental Cyanobacteria at the Strain Level. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 5024-34.

8.          Qi, Y.L., Chen, Y.T., Xie, Y.G., Li, Y.X., Rao, Y.Z., Li, M.M., Xie, Q.J., Cao, X.R., Chen, L., Qu, Y.N., Yuan, Z.X., Xiao, Z.C., Lu, L., Jiao, J.Y., Shu, W.S., Li, W.J., Hedlund, B. P., Hua, Z.S., 2024. Analysis of nearly 3000 archaeal genomes from terrestrial geothermal springs sheds light on interconnected biogeochemical processes. Nature Communications 15.

9.          Luo, Z.H., Li, Q., Xie, Y.G., Lv, A.P., Qi, Y.L., Li, M.M., Qu, Y.N., Liu, Z.T., Li, Y.X., Rao, Y.Z., Jiao, J.Y., Liu, L., Rao, M. P. N., Hedlund, B. P., Evans, P. N., Fang, Y., Shu, W.S., Huang, L.N., Li, W.J., Hua, Z.S., 2024. Temperature, pH, and oxygen availability contributed to the functional differentiation of ancient Nitrososphaeria. ISME Journal 18.

10.      Liang, J.L., Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Wang, X.N., Li, F.L., Guo, Y.Q., Liu, S.Y., Zhuang, Y.Y., Zhong, S.J., Zheng, J., Wen, P., Yi, X., Jia, P., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2024. Hidden diversity and potential ecological function of phosphorus acquisition genes in widespread terrestrial bacteriophages. Nature Communications 15.

11.      Liang, J.L., Feng, S.W., Jia, P., Lu, J.L., Yi, X., Gao, S.M., Wu, Z.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2024. Unraveling the habitat preferences, ecological drivers, potential hosts, and auxiliary metabolism of soil giant viruses across China. Microbiome 12.

12.      Li, Y., Chen, H., Gu, L., Wu, J., Zheng, X., Fan, Z., Pan, D., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S., Rosendahl, S., Wang, Y., 2024. Domestication of rice may have changed its arbuscular mycorrhizal properties by modifying phosphorus nutritionrelated traits and decreasing symbiotic compatibility. New Phytologist 243, 1554-70.

13.      Jiao, J.Y., Abdugheni, R., Zhang, D.F., Ahmed, I., Ali, M., Chuvochina, M., Dedysh, S. N., Dong, X., Goeker, M., Hedlund, B. P., Hugenholtz, P., Jangid, K., Liu, S.J., Moore, E. R. B., Rao, M. P. N., Oren, A., RosselloMora, R., Rekadwad, B. N., Salam, N., Shu, W.S., Sutcliffe, I. C., Teo, W. F. A., Trujillo, M. E., Venter, S. N., Whitman, W. B., Zhao, G., Li, W.J., 2024. Advancements in prokaryotic systematics and the role of Bergey's International Society for Microbial Systematicsin addressing challenges in the metadata era. National Science Review 11.

14.      Jia, Y., Ou, Y., Khanal, S. K., Sun, L., Shu, W.S., Lu, H., 2024. BiocharBased Strategies for Antibiotics Removal: Mechanisms, Factors, and Application. Acs Es&T Engineering 4, 1256-74.

15.      Jia, P., Liang, J.L., Lu, J.L., Zhong, S.J., Xiong, T., Feng, S.W., Wang, Y., Wu, Z.H., Yi, X.Z., Gao, S.M., Zheng, J., Wen, P., Li, F., Li, Y., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2024. Soil keystone viruses are regulators of ecosystem multifunctionality. Environment International 191.

16.      Gao, S.M., Wang, P., Li, Q., Shu, W.S., Tang, L.Y., Lin, Z.L., Li, J.T., Huang, L.N., 2024. Deciphering microbial metabolic interactions and their implications for community dynamics in acid mine drainage sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 478.

17.      Gao, J., Yang, Y., Xiang, X., Zheng, H., Yi, X., Wang, F., Liang, Z., Chen, D., Shi, W., Wang, L., Wu, D., Feng, S., Huang, Q., Li, X., Shu, W.S., Chen, R., Zhong, N., Wang, Z., 2024. Human genetic associations of the airway microbiome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory Research 25.

18.      Zheng, J., Liang, J.L., Jia, P., Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Luo, Z.H., Ai, H.X., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S., 2023. Diverse Methylmercury (MeHg) Producers and Degraders Inhabit Acid Mine Drainage Sediments, but Few Taxa Correlate with MeHg Accumulation. Msystems 8.

19.      Zhao, X.F., Li, B.H., Shu, W.S., Hao, Y.Q., 2023. The contrasting effects of fluctuating temperature on bacterial diversity and performances in temperate and subtropical soils. Molecular Ecology 32, 3686-701.

20.      Zhao, L., Lin, L.Z., Zeng, Y., Teng, W.K., Chen, M.Y., Brand, J. J., Zheng, L.L., Gan, N.Q., Gong, Y.H., Li, X.Y., Lv, J., Chen, T., Han, B.P., Song, L.R., Shu, W.S., 2023. The facilitating role of phycospheric heterotrophic bacteria in cyanobacterial phosphonate availability and <i>Microcystis</i> bloom maintenance. Microbiome 11.

21.      Yi, X., Wen, P., Liang, J.L., Jia, P., Yang, T.T., Feng, S.W., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2023. Phytostabilization mitigates antibiotic resistance gene enrichment in a copper mine tailings pond. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443.

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99.      Liang, J.L., Gao, Y., He, Z., Nie, Y., Wang, M., JiangYang, J. H., Zhang, X.J.C., Shu, W.S., Wu, X. L., 2017. Crystal structure of TetR family repressor AlkX from Dietzia sp. strain DQ12-45-1b implicated in biodegradation of n-alkanes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83, e01447–17.

100.  Wang, F.Z., Chen, M.X., Yu, L.J., Xie, L.J., Yuan, L.B., Qi, H., Xiao, M., Guo, W.X., Chen, Z., Yi, K.K., Zhang, J.H., Qiu, R.L., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S., Chen, Q.F., 2017. OsARM1, an R2R3 MYB transcription factor, is involved in regulation of the response to arsenic stress in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1868.

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102.  Kuang, J.L., Cadotte, M.W., Chen, Y.J., Shu, H.Y., Liu, J., Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Shu, W.S., Zhou, J.Z., Huang, L.N., 2017. Conservation of species-and trait-based modeling network interactions in extremely acidic microbial community assembly. Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1486.

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105.  Li, J.T., Liang, Z.W., Jia, P., Liu, J., Xu, Y.J., Chen, Y.J., Shu, H.Y., Kuang, J.L., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2017. Effects of a bacterial consortium from acid mine drainage on cadmium phytoextraction and indigenous soil microbial community. Plant and Soil 415, 347–358.

106.  Chen, Y.J., Kuang, J.L., Jia, P., Cadotte, M.W., Huang, L.N., Li, J.T., Liao, B., Wang, P.D., Shu, W.S.*, 2017. Effect of environmental variation on estimating the bacterial species richness. Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 690.

107.  Huang, L.N., Kuang, J.L., Shu, W.S.*, 2016. Microbial ecology and evolution in the acid mine drainage model system. Trends in Microbiology 24, 581–593.

108.  Kuang, J.L., Huang, L.N., He, Z.L., Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Jia, P., Li, S.J., Liu, J., Li, J.T., Zhou, J.Z., Shu, W.S.*, 2016. Predicting taxonomic and functional structure of microbial communities in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 10, 1527–1539.

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110.  Fang, R.L.*, Chen, L.X., Shu, W.S., Yao, S.Z., Wang, S.W., Chen, Y.Q., 2016. Barcoded sequencing reveals diverse intrauterine microbiomes in patients suffering with endometrial polyps. American Journal of Translational Research 8, 1581–1592.

111.  Chen, L., Liao, B., Qi, H., Xie, L.J., Huang, L., Tan, W.J., Zhai, N., Yuan, L.B., Zhou, Y., Yu, L.J., Chen, Q.F., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S.*, 2015. Autophagy contributes to regulation of the hypoxia response during submergence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Autophagy 11, 2233–2246.

112.  Li, S.P., Cadotte, M.W.*, Meiners, S.J., Hua, Z.S., Shu, H.Y., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.* 2015. The effects of phylogenetic relatedness on invasion success and impact: deconstructing Darwin's naturalisation conundrum. Ecology Letters 18, 1285–1292.

113.  Chen, Q.F., Xu, L., Tan, W.J., Chen, L., Qi, H., Xie, L.J., Chen, M.X., Liu, B.Y., Yu, L.J., Yao, N., Zhang, J.H., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S.*, 2015. Disruption of the Arabidopsis Defense Regulator Genes SAG101, EDS1, and PAD4 Confers Enhanced Freezing Tolerance. Molecular Plant 8, 1536–1549.

114.  Niu, L.Q., Jia, P., Li, S.P., Kuang, J.L., He, X.X., Zhou, W.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2015. Slash-and-char: An ancient agricultural technique holds new promise for management of soils contaminated by Cd, Pb and Zn. Environmental Pollution 205, 333–339.

115.  Li, S.P., Cadotte, M.W.*, Meiners, S.J., Hua, Z.S., Jiang, L., Shu, W.S., 2015. Species colonisation, not competitive exclusion, drives community overdispersion over long-term succession. Ecology Letters 18, 964–973.

116.  van Kleunen, M., Dawson, W., Essl, F., Pergl, J., Winter, M., Weber, E., Kreft, H., Weigelt, P., Kartesz, J., Nishino, M., Antonova, L.A., Barcelona, J.F., Cabezas, F.J., Cardenas, D., Cardenas-Toro, J., Castano, N., Chacon, E., Chatelain, C., Ebel, A.L., Figueiredo, E., Fuentes, N., Groom, Q.J., Henderson, L., Inderjit, Kupriyanov, A., Masciadri, S., Meerman, J., Morozova, O., Moser, D., Nickrent, D.L., Patzelt, A., Pelser, P.B., Baptiste, M.P., Poopath, M., Schulze, M., Seebens, H., Shu, W.S., Thomas, J., Velayos, M., Wieringa, J.J., Pysek, P., 2015. Global exchange and accumulation of non-native plants. Nature 525, 100–103.

117.  Chen, L.X., Hu, M., Huang, L.N., Hua, Z.S., Kuang, J.L., Li, S.J., Shu, W.S.*, 2015. Comparative metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses of microbial communities in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 9, 1579–1592.

118.  Liu, J., He, X.X., Lin, X.R., Chen, W.C., Zhou, Q.X., Shu, W.S., Huang, L.N.*, 2015. Ecological effects of combined pollution associated with e-waste recycling on the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities. Environmental Science & Technology 49, 6438–6447.

119.  Hua, Z.S., Han, Y.J., Chen, L.X., Liu, J., Hu, M., Li, S.J., Kuang, J.L., Chain, P.S., Huang, L.N.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2015. Ecological roles of dominant and rare prokaryotes in acid mine drainage revealed by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. The ISME Journal 9, 1280–1294.

120.  Zhang, J., Li, J.T., Huang, Z.B., Yang, B., Zhang, X.J., Li, D.H., Craik, D.J., Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S., Liao, B., 2015. Transcriptomic screening for cyclotides and other cysteine-rich proteins in the metallophyte Viola baoshanensis. Journal of Plant Physiology 178, 17–26.

121.  Zhang, J.*, Hua, Z.S., Huang, Z.B., Chen, Q.Z., Long, Q.Y., Craik, D.J., Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S.*, Liao, B., 2015. Two Blast-independent tools, CyPerl and CyExcel, for harvesting hundreds of novel cyclotides and analogues from plant genomes and protein databases. Planta 241, 929–940.

122.  Xie, L.J., Chen, Q.F., Chen, M.X., Yu, L.J., Huang, L., Chen, L., Wang, F.Z., Xia, F.N., Zhu, T.R., Wu, J.X., Yin, J., Liao, B., Shi, J.X., Zhang, J.H., Aharoni, A., Yao, N., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S.*, 2015. Unsaturation of Very-Long-Chain Ceramides Protects Plant from Hypoxia-Induced Damages by Modulating Ethylene Signaling in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics 11.

123.  Li, S.H., Yu, X.Y., Park, D.J., Hozzein, W.N., Kim, C.J., Shu, W.S., Wadaan, M.A.M., Ding, L.X., Li, W.J., 2015. Rhodococcus soli sp nov., an actinobacterium isolated from soil using a resuscitative technique. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107 (2), 357–366.

124.  Li, S.P., Guo, T., Cadotte, M.W., Chen, Y.J., Kuang, J.L., Hua, Z.S., Zeng, Y., Song, Y., Liu, Z., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2015. Contrasting effects of phylogenetic relatedness on plant invader success in experimental grassland communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 52, 89–99.

125.  Zhou, M., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Yang, B.*, Lan, C.Y., 2015. Pollution Assessment and Potential Sources of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils around Four Pb/Zn Mines of Shaoguan City, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 24, 76–89.

126.  Wang, F.Z., Chen, Q.F., Yu, L.J., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S., 2015. Potential of Plant-Derived Lead-Binding Proteins in Phytoremediation. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 18.

127.  Xie, L.J., Yu, L.J., Chen, Q.F., Wang, F.Z., Huang, L., Xia, F.N., Zhu, T.R., Wu, J.X., Yin, J., Liao, B., Yao, N., Shu, W.S., Xiao, S.*, 2015. Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding protein ACBP3 participates in plant response to hypoxia by modulating very-long-chain fatty acid metabolism. The Plant Journal 81, 53–67.

128.  Liu, L., Zhou, E.M., Jiao, J.Y., Manikprabhu, D., Ming, H., Liu, W.H., Hozzein, W.N., Shu, W.S., Li, W.J.*, 2015. Hymenobacter latericoloratus sp. nov. and Hymenobacter luteus sp. nov., isolated from freshwater sediment. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107, 165–172.

129.  Zhang, Y.C., Liao, J.Y., Li, Z.Y., Yu, Y., Zhang, J.P., Li, Q.F., Qu, L.H., Shu, W.S., Chen, Y.Q.*, 2014. Genome-wide screening and functional analysis identify a large number of long noncoding RNAs involved in the sexual reproduction of rice. Genome Biology 15, 512.

130.  Li, J.T., Li, S.P., Chen, Y.J., Jia, P., Hua, Z.S., Wang, S.L., Song, Y.S., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2014. Phylogenetic structures of soil nematode communities along a successional gradient in an unreclaimed copper mine tailings site. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 77, 179–186.

131.  Li, S.J., Hua, Z.S., Huang, L.N., Li, J., Shi, S.H., Chen, L.X., Kuang, J.L., Liu, J., Hu, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2014. Microbial communities evolve faster in extreme environments. Scientific Reports 4, 6205.

132.  Li, S.H., Jin, Y., Cheng, J., Park, D.J., Kim, C.J., Hozzein, W.N., Wadaan, M.A., Shu, W.S., Ding, L.X., Li, W.J.*, 2014. Gordonia jinhuaensis sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium, isolated from a VBNC (viable but non-culturable) state in pharmaceutical wastewater. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 106, 347–356.

133.  Liu, J., Hua, Z.S., Chen, L.X., Kuang, J.L., Li, S.J., Shu, W.S., Huang, L.N.*, 2014. Correlating microbial diversity patterns with geochemistry in an extreme and heterogeneous environment of mine tailings. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 3677–3686.

134.  Chen, Y.T., Li, J.T., Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Huang, L.N., Liu, J., Xu, B.B., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2014. Biogeochemical processes governing natural pyrite oxidation and release of acid metalliferous drainage. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 5537–5545.

135.  Song, Y.S., Shu, W.S., Wang, A.D., Liu, W.Q.*, 2014. Characters of soil algae during primary succession on copper mine dumps. Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, 577–583.

136.  Liu, W.Q.*, Yang, C., Shi, S., Shu, W.S., 2014. Effects of plant growth-promoting bacteria isolated from copper tailings on plants in sterilized and non-sterilized tailings. Chemosphere 97, 47–53.

137.  Liang, X.D., Zhang, L., Shen, H.J., Chen, X.Y., Wan, Y.F., Li, L.Y., Liang, Y.Y., Yu, X.Y., Guo, Y.M., Yu, J.L., Shu, W.S., Tan, C., Lv, K., Xiao, Y., Chen, X.P., Chen, S.G., Guo, J.H., 2014. Effects of a 45-day head-down bed rest on the diurnal rhythms of activity, sleep, and heart rate. Biological Rhythm Research 45, 591–601.

138.  Yang, B., Mengoni, A., Huang, Y.L., He, X.L., Li, J.T., Liao, B., Zhou, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Exploring the pattern of phenotypic and genetic polymorphism in the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. (Chinese brake fern). Plant and Soil 373, 471–483.

139.  Chen, L.X., Li, J.T., Chen, Y.T., Huang, L.N., Hua, Z.S., Hu, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Shifts in microbial community composition and function in the acidification of a lead/zinc mine tailings. Environmental Microbiology 15, 2431–2444.

140.  Kuang, J.L., Huang, L.N., Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Li, S.J., Hu, M., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Contemporary environmental variation determines microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal 7, 1038–1050.

141.  Ye, M., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Mengoni, A., Hu, M., Luo, W.C., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Contrasting patterns of genetic divergence in two sympatric pseudo-metallophytes: Rumex acetosa L. and Commelina communis L. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 84.

142.  Li, J.T., Baker, A.J., Ye, Z.H., Wang, H.B., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Phytoextraction of Cd-Contaminated Soils: Current Status and Future Challenges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 42, 2113–2152.

143.  Yu, L.J., Luo, Y.F., Liao, B., Xie, L.J., Chen, L., Xiao, S., Li, J.T., Hu, S.N., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Comparative transcriptome analysis of transporters, phytohormone and lipid metabolism pathways in response to arsenic stress in rice (Oryza sativa). New Phytologist 195, 97–112.

144.  Liu, W.Q., Song, Y.S., Wang, B., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Nitrogen fixation in biotic crusts and vascular plant communities on a copper mine tailings. European Journal of Soil Biology 50, 15–20.

145.  Li, S.P., Li, J.T., Kuang, J.L., Duan, H.N., Zeng, Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Effects of species richness on cadmium removal efficiencies of algal microcosms. Journal of Applied Ecology 49, 261–267.

146.  Zhong, W.L., Li, J.T., Chen, Y.T., Shu, W.S., Liao, B.*, 2012. A study on the effects of lead, cadmium and phosphorus on the lead and cadmium uptake efficacy of Viola baoshanensis inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14, 2497–2504.

147.  Huang, L.N., Tang, F.Z., Song, Y.S., Wan, C.Y., Wang, S.L., Liu, W.Q., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Biodiversity, abundance, and activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria during primary succession on a copper mine tailings. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 78, 439–450.

148.  Huang, L.N., Zhou, W.H., Hallberg, K.B., Wan, C.Y., Li, J., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Spatial and temporal analysis of the microbial community in the tailings of a Pb-Zn mine generating acidic drainage. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 5540–5544.

149.  Li, J.T., Liao, B., Zhu, R., Dai, Z.Y., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Characteristics of Cd uptake, translocation and accumulation in a novel Cd-accumulating tree, star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L., Oxalidaceae). Environmental and Experimental Botany 71, 352–358.

150.  Jiang, H., Fan, Q., Li, J.T., Shi, S., Li, S.P., Liao, W.B., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Naturalization of alien plants in China. Biodiversity and Conservation 20, 1545–1556.

151.  Wu, C., Ye, Z.H., Shu, W.S., Zhu, Y.G., Wong, M.H.*, 2011. Arsenic accumulation and speciation in rice are affected by root aeration and variation of genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany 62, 2889–2898.

152.  Wang, H.B., Wong, M.H., Lan, C.Y., Qin, Y.R., Shu, W.S., Qiu, R.L., Ye, Z.H.*, 2011. Organic acids in two arsenic hyperaccumulators and a non-hyperaccumulator of Pteris exposed to elevated arsenic concentrations. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 91, 241–254.

153.  Yang, S.X., Li, J.T., Yang, B., Liao, B., Zhang, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Effectiveness of amendments on re-acidification and heavy metal immobilization in an extremely acidic mine soil. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 1876–1883.

154.  Dai, Z.Y., Shu, W.S., Liao, B., Wan, C.Y., Li, J.T.*, 2011. Intraspecific variation in cadmium tolerance and accumulation of a high-biomass tropical tree Averrhoa carambola L.: Implication for phytoextraction. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 1723–1729.

155.  Wu, S.C., Wong, C.C., Shu, W.S., Khan, A.G., Wong, M.H., 2011. Mycorrhizo-remediation of lead/zinc mine tailings using vetiver: A field study. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13, 61–74.

156.  Wang, H.B., Wong, M.H., Lan, C.Y., Qin, Y.R., Shu, W.S., Qiu, R.L., Ye, Z.H.*, 2010. Effect of arsenic on flavonoid contents in Pteris species. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38, 529–537.

157.  Li, J.T., Duan, H.N., Li, S.P., Kuang, J.L., Zeng, Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Cadmium pollution triggers a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship: evidence from a laboratory microcosm experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology 47, 890–898.

158.  Yang, S.X., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Guo, T., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Acidification, heavy metal mobility and nutrient accumulation in the soil-plant system of a revegetated acid mine wasteland. Chemosphere 80, 852–859.

159.  Li, J.T., Liao, B., Lan, C.Y., Ye, Z.H., Baker, A.J., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in cultivars of a high-biomass tropical tree (Averrhoa carambola) and its potential for phytoextraction. Journal of Environmental Quality 39, 1262–1268.

160.  Yang, B., Zhou, M., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Ye, Z.H.*, Qiu, R.L., Jie, Y.C., Cui, G.X., Wong, M.H., 2010. Constitutional tolerance to heavy metals of a fiber crop, ramie (Boehmeria nivea), and its potential usage. Environmental Pollution 158, 551–558.

161.  Tan, G.L., Shu, W.S., Zhou, W.H., Li, X.L., Lan, C.Y., Huang, L.N.*, 2009. Seasonal and spatial variations in microbial community structure and diversity in the acid stream draining across an ongoing surface mining site. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 70, 277–285.

162.  Mengoni, A.*, Pini, F., Huang, L.N., Shu, W.S., Bazzicalupo, M., 2009. Plant-by-plant variations of bacterial communities associated with leaves of the nickel hyperaccumulator Alyssum bertolonii Desv. Microbial Ecology 58, 660–667.

163.  Wang, S.L., Liao, W.B., Yu, F.Q., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Hyperaccumulation of lead, zinc, and cadmium in plants growing on a lead/zinc outcrop in Yunnan Province, China. Environmental Geology 58, 471–476.

164.  Li, J.T., Liao, B., Dai, Z.Y., Zhu, R., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Phytoextraction of Cd-contaminated soil by carambola (Averrhoa carambola) in field trials. Chemosphere 76, 1233–1239.

165.  Zhang, J., Hu, M., Li, J.T., Guan, J.P., Yang, B., Shu, W.S.*, Liao, B.*, 2009. A transcriptional profile of metallophyte Viola baoshanensis involved in general and species-specific cadmium-defense mechanisms. Journal of Plant Physiology 166, 862–870.

166.  Zhang, J., Liao, B., Craik, D.J., Li, J.T., Hu, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Identification of two suites of cyclotide precursor genes from metallophyte Viola baoshanensis: cDNA sequence variation, alternative RNA splicing and potential cyclotide diversity. Gene 431, 23–32.

167.  Zhuang, P., Zou, H.L., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Biotransfer of heavy metals along a soil-plant-insect-chicken food chain: Field study. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21, 849–853.

168.  Zhuang, P., Shu, W.S., Li, Z.A., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Shao, J.S., 2009. Removal of metals by sorghum plants from contaminated land. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21, 1432–1437.

169.  Yang, Q.W., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2008. Copper and Zinc in a paddy field and their potential ecological impacts affected by wastewater from a lead/zinc mine, P. R. China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 147, 65–73.

170.  Tan, G.L., Shu, W.S., Hallberg, K.B., Li, F., Lan, C.Y., Zhou, W.H., Huang, L.N.*, 2008. Culturable and molecular phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms in an open-dumped, extremely acidic Pb/Zn mine tailings. Extremophiles 12, 657–664.

171.  Huang, H.R., Shu, W.S., Mao, Z.B., Ge, X.J.*, 2008. Development of eight polymorphic microsatellites for a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance (Crassulaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8, 1049–1051.

172.  Shao, Y.H., Zhang, W.X., Shen, J.C., Zhou, L.X., Xia, H.P., Shu, W.S., Ferris, H., Fu, S.L.*, 2008. Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a lead/zinc mine. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 2040–2046.

173.  Deng, P.Y., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Liu, W.*, 2008. Metal contamination in the sediment, pondweed, and snails of a stream receiving effluent from a lead/zinc mine in southern China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81, 69–74.

174.  Yang, Q.W., Shu, W.S., Li, H., 2008. Evaluation on potential ecological risk of heavy metals in waterway sediments of Lechang lead-zinc mine area. China Water and Wastewater 24, 106.

175.  Yang, Q.W., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S., Li, M., 2008. Investigation on heavy metal pollution in the surface sediments on Lechang section of Wujiang River. The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring 2.

176.  Li, J.T., Liao, B., Lan, C.Y., Qiu, J.W., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. Zinc, nickel and cadmium in carambolas marketed in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, China: implication for human health. Science of the Total Environment 388, 405–412.

177.  Liu, H.T., Li, Y.F., Luan, T.G., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. Simultaneous determination of Phytohormones in plant extracts using SPME and HPLC. Chromatographia 66, 515–520.

178.  Zhuang, P., Yang, Q.W., Wang, H.B., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. Phytoextraction of heavy metals by eight plant species in the field. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 184, 235–242.

179.  Deng, J.C., Liao, B., Ye, M., Deng, D.M., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. The effects of heavy metal pollution on genetic diversity in zinc/cadmium hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii populations. Plant and Soil 297, 83–92.

180.  Liao, B., Huang, L.N., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. Cut-off net acid generation pH in predicting acid-forming potential in mine spoils. Journal of Environmental Quality 36, 887–891.

181.  Deng, D.M., Shu, W.S., Zhang, J., Zou, H.L., Lin, Z., Ye, Z.H.*, Wong, M.H., 2007. Zinc and cadmium accumulation and tolerance in populations of Sedum alfredii. Environmental Pollution 147, 381–386.

182.  Zhang, C.B., Huang, L.N., Shu, W.S., Qiu, J.W., Zhang, J.T., Lan, C.Y.*, 2007. Structural and functional diversity of a culturable bacterial community during the early stages of revegetation near a Pb/Zn smelter in Guangdong, PR China. Ecological Engineering 30, 16–26.

183.  Yang, Q.W., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., 2007. Existence State of Lead in Paddy Soils Contaminated in Lead-Zinc Mine of Lechang, China. Sichuan Environment (6), 8.

184.  Wang, H.B., Wong, M.H., Lan, C.Y., Baker, A.J.M., Qin, Y.R., Shu, W.S., Chen, G.Z., Ye, Z.H.*, 2007. Uptake and accumulation of arsenic by 11 Pteris taxa from southern China. Environmental Pollution 145, 225–233.

185.  Tan, G.L., Shu, W.S., Hallberg, K.B., Li, F., Lan, C.Y., Huang, L.N.*, 2007. Cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent characterization of the microbial community in acid mine drainage associated with acidic Pb/Zn mine tailings at Lechang, Guangdong, China. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 59, 118–126.

186.  Yang, B., Lan, C.Y., Yang, C.S., Liao, W.B., Chang, H., Shu, W.S.*, 2006. Long-term efficiency and stability of wetlands for treating wastewater of a lead/zinc mine and the concurrent ecosystem development. Environmental Pollution 143, 499–512.

187.  Li, J.T., Qiu, J.W., Wang, X.W., Zhong, Y., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2006. Cadmium contamination in orchard soils and fruit trees and its potential health risk in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution 143, 159–165.

188.  Yang, Q.W., Lan, C.Y., Wang, H.B., Zhuang, P., Shu, W.S.*, 2006. Cadmium in soil-rice system and health risk associated with the use of untreated mining wastewater for irrigation in Lechang, China. Agricultural Water Management 84, 147–152.

189.  杨清伟, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 铅锌矿废水污染水稻土Cd的化学形态与生物有效性研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2007, (2): 500–504.

190.  董军, 杨清伟, 栾天罡, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰*. Pb/Zn矿区植被恢复地土壤酶活性特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 2006, 12(2):200–202.

191.  Wang, H.B., Ye, Z.H., Shu, W.S., Li, W.C., Wong, M.H., Lan, C.Y.*, 2006. Arsenic uptake and accumulation in fern species growing at arsenic-contaminated sites of southern China: Field surveys. International Journal of Phytoremediation 8, 1-11.

192.  张军, 束文圣*. 植物对重金属镉的耐受机制. 植物生理与分子生物学学报. 2006, 32(1): 1–8.

193.  丁凌云, 蓝崇钰, 林建平, 束文圣. 不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响. 生态环境, 2006, (6): 1204–1208.

194.  覃勇荣,岑忠用,刘旭辉,韦杰玲,韦永祥,蓝崇钰*束文圣*. 桂西北石漠化地区不同植被恢复模式土壤性状的初步研究. 河池学院学报, 2006, 26(5):34–41.

195.  Zhuang, P., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Xie, Z.W., Shu, W.S.*, 2005. Chemically assisted phytoextraction of heavy metal contaminated soils using three plant species. Plant and Soil 276, 153–162.

196.  Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H.*, 2005. Natural colonization of plants on five lead/zinc mine tailings in Southern China. Restoration Ecology 13, 49–60.

197.  王宏镔,束文圣,蓝崇钰.重金属污染生态学研究现状与展望. 生态学报. 2005, 3: 596–605.

198.  杨兵, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣*.香根草在铅锌尾矿上生长和重金属吸收研究. 生态学报, 2005, 25(1): 45–50.

199.  Yang, Q.W., Shu, W.S., Qiu, J.W., Wang, H.B., Lan, C.Y.*, 2004. Lead in paddy soils and rice plants Lechang and its potential health risk around lead/zinc Mine, Guangdong, China. Environment International 30, 883–889.

200.  Liu, W., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y.*, 2004. Viola baoshanensis, a plant that hyperaccumulates cadmium. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 29–32.

201.  廖斌, 邓东梅, 杨兵, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰. 铜在鸭跖草细胞中的分布和结合形态研究. 中山大学学报, 2004, 43(2): 27–31.

202.  廖斌, 邓冬梅, 杨兵, 束文圣, 栾天罡, 蓝崇钰. 鸭跖草Commelina communis中差异表达cDNA片断的克隆与分析. 中山大学学报, 2004, 43(1): 75–78.

203.  Shu, W.S., Zhao, Y.L., Yang, B., Xia, H.P., Lan, C.Y.*, 2004. Accumulation of heavy metals in four grasses grown on lead and zinc mine tailings. Journal of Environmental Sciences 16, 730–734.

204.  杨兵, 廖斌, 邓冬梅, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰. Cu2对鸭跖草的Cu积累和根、叶中抗氧化系统的影响. 中国环境科学, 2004, 24(1): 9–13.

205.  Shu, W.S., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., 2003. Fluoride and aluminium concentrations of tea plants and tea products from Sichuan Province, PR China. Chemosphere 52, 1475–1482.

206.  Yang, B., Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., 2003. Growth and metal accumulation in vetiver and two Sesbania species on lead/zinc mine tailings. Chemosphere 52, 1593–1600.

207.  束文圣, 刘威, 蓝崇钰. 堇菜科植物一新种——宝山堇菜. 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 42(3):118–119.

208.  杨清伟, 束文圣, 林周, 林里, 邹慧林, 蓝崇钰. 铅锌矿废水重金属对土壤-水稻的复合污染及生态影响评价. 农业环境科学学报, 2003, 22(4): 385–390.

209.  束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 黄铭洪, 张志权. 采石场废弃地的早期植被与土壤种子库. 生态学报, 2003, 23(7): 1305–1312.

210.  束文圣, 叶志鸿, 张志权, 黄铭洪, 蓝崇钰. 华南铅锌尾矿生态恢复的理论与实践. 生态学报, 2003, 23(8):1629–1639.

211.  刘威, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰. 宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)——一种新的镉超富集植物. 科学通报, 2003, 48(19): 2046–2049.

212.  廖斌, 邓冬梅, 杨兵, 束文圣, 林里, 蓝崇钰. 鸭跖草的铜的耐性和积累研究. 环境科学学报, 2003, 23(6): 797–802

213.  Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Zhang, Z.Q., Wong, M.H.*, 2002. Lead, zinc and copper accumulation and tolerance in populations of Paspalum distichum and Cynodon dactylon. Environmental Pollution 120, 445–453.

214.  Ye, Z.H., Shu, W.S., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H.*, 2002. Evaluation of major constraints to revegetation of lead/zinc mine tailings using bioassay techniques. Chemosphere 47, 1103–1111.

215.  林学瑞, 蓝崇钰, 廖文波, 束文圣, 黄立南. 垃圾添埋场的生态恢复与相关环境因子的关系. 应用与环境生物学报, 2002, 8(6): 571–577.

216.  Shu, W.S., Xia, H.P., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., 2002. Use of vetiver and three other grasses for revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings: field experiment. International Journal of Phytoremediation 4, 47–57.

217.  张志权, 束文圣, 廖文波, 蓝崇钰. 豆科植物与矿业废弃地植被恢复. 生态学杂志, 2002, 21(2): 47–52.

218.  黄立南, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰. 污水排放对红树林植物桐花树叶片分解的影响. 中山大学学报, 2002, 41(2): 100–102.

219.  阳承胜, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 重金属在宽叶香蒲人工湿地系统中的分布与积累. 水处理技术, 2002, 28(2): 101–104.

220.  阳承胜, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 廖文波, 凡口宽叶香蒲湿地植物群落恢复的研究, 2002, 植物生态学报, 26(1)101–108.

221.  聂湘平, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 张志权, 黄铭洪. 2002. 锌对大叶相思-根瘤菌共生固氮体系影响研究, 植物生态学报, 26(3): 264–268.

222.  聂湘平, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 张志权, 黄铭洪. 铜对大叶相思-根瘤菌共生固氮体系影响研究, 应用生态学报. 2002, 13(2): 137–140.

223.  Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H.*, 2001. Soil seed bank as an input of seed source in revegetation of lead/zinc mine tailings. Restoration Ecology 9, 378–385.

224.  Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Zhang, Z.Q., Wong, M.H.*, 2001. Acidification of lead/zinc mine tailings and its effect on heavy metal mobility. Environment International 26, 389–394.

225.  束文圣, 张志权, 蓝崇钰. 广东乐昌铅锌尾矿的酸化潜力, 环境科学, 2001, 22(3): 113–117

226.  黄立南, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 深圳福田两种红树林植物叶片分解研究. 应用生态学报, 2001, 12(1): 35–38.

227.  束文圣, 杨开颜, 张志权, 杨兵, 蓝崇钰, 湖北铜绿山古铜矿冶炼渣植被与优势植物的重金属含量研究, 应用与环境生物学报, 2001, 7(1): 7–12.

228.  张志权, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 黄铭洪. 引入土壤种子库对铅锌尾矿废弃地植被恢复的作用(II): 定居植物对重金属的吸收和再分配. 植物生态学报, 2001, 25(3): 306–311.

229.  夏汉平, 束文圣. 香根草和百喜草对铅锌尾矿重金属的抗性与吸收差异研究. 生态学报, 2001, 21(7): 1121–1129.

230.  招文锐, 杨兵, 朱新民, 束文圣*. 人工湿地处理凡口铅锌矿金属废水的稳定性分析. 生态科学, 2001(4): 16–20.

231.  Ye, Z.H., Wong, J.W.C., Wong, M.H., Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., 2000. Revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings: field trials to compare different waste materials and plant species. Restoration Ecology 8(1): 87–92.

232.  Shu, W., Zhang, Z., Lan, C., Ye, Z., 2000. Pb, Zn and Cu tolerance and accumulation in populations of Paspalum distichumActa Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni 39(3), 82–86.

233.  黄立南, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 李明顺. 城镇生活污水排放对红树林植物群落凋落物的影响. 应用与环境生物学报, 2000, 6(6): 505–510.

234.  黄立南, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 城镇生活污水排放对红树林生态系统中植物和土壤的影响. 生态学杂志, 2000, 19(2): 13–19.

235.  Shu, W.S., Zhang, Z.Q., Huang, L.N., Lan, C.Y., Ye, Z.H., 2000. Use of tolerant population of Paspalum distichum for revegetation of a Pb/Zn mine tailings at Lechang: field experiment. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni 39, 94–98.

236.  Ye, Z.H., Wong, J.W.C., Wong, M.H.*, Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., 2000. Revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings, Guangdong Province, China. Restoration Ecology 8, 87–92.

237.  束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 张志权. 中国矿业废弃地的复垦对策研究. 生态科学, 2000, 19(2): 24–28.

238.  张志权, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 黄铭洪. 引入土壤种子库对铅锌尾矿废弃地植被恢复的作用(I). 植物生态学报, 2000, 24(5): 601–607.

239.  阳承胜, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 宽叶香蒲人工湿地对铅/锌矿废水净化效能的研究. 深圳大学学报, 2000, 17(23): 5157.

240.  阳承胜, 蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 矿业废弃地生态恢复的土壤生物肥力. 生态科学, 2000, 19(3): 73–78.

241.  阳承胜, 束文圣, 徐润林, 蓝崇钰. 利用PFU原生动物群落监测铅锌尾矿人工湿地废水净化效能. 环境污染与防治, 2000, 22(5): 2022.

242.  束文圣, 黄立南, 张志权, 蓝崇钰, 李世华, 招文锐. 几种矿业废物的酸化潜力. 中国环境科学, 1999, 19(5): 402–405.

243.  胡宏伟, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 王伯荪. 乐昌铅锌尾矿的酸化及重金属溶出的淋溶实验研究. 环境科学与技术, 1999, 88(3): 1–4.

244.  Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S., Wong, M.H. Revegetation of Lead/zinc mine tailings at Shaoguan, Guangdong province, China: The role of river sediment and domestic refuse. Bioresource Technology 1998, 65:117–124.

245.  束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 张志权. 凡口铅锌尾矿影响植物定居的主要因素分析. 应用生态学报, 1997, 8(3): 314–318.

246.  蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 张志权. 酸性淋溶对铅锌尾矿金属行为的影响及植物毒性.中国环境科学. 1996, 16(6): 461–465.

247.  蓝崇钰, 束文圣. 矿业废弃地植被恢复中的基质改良. 生态学杂志, 1996, 15(2): 55–59.

248.  束文圣, 蓝崇钰. 植物的重金属耐性及其应用. 中山大学学报论丛, 1993, (3-4): 170–176.




1.        束文圣, 李金天. 2017. 金属矿损毁土地复垦. 自白中科等著, 土地复垦学, 北京: 中国农业出版社, p184–207.

2.        王宏镔, 覃勇荣, 束文圣, 蓝崇钰, 叶志鸿. 2005. 砷超富集植物研究进展. 生态科学进展(第一卷), 北京: 高等教育出版社.

3.        束文圣, 黄铭洪.2003.污染与恢复生态学概论.自黄铭洪等著, 环境污染与生态恢复.北京: 科学出版社, p44–66.

4.        束文圣.2003.矿业废弃地的环境污染与生态恢复.自黄铭洪等著, 环境污染与生态恢复.北京: 科学出版社, p136–184.

5.        Zhang, J., Shu, W.S. 2003. Research and Utilization of Vetiver for Wastewater Treatment Ponds. In: Xu L Y et al (eds), Vetiver System and Its Research and Applications in China. Ya Tai International Publishing Co. Ltd. Hong Kong. p82–90.

6.        Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S. and Wong, M.H. Revegetation of Lead/Zinc mine tailings at Shaoguan, Guangdong Province, China: Phytotoxicity of the tailings. In: Global Environmental Biotechnology (D. L. Wise Ed.), Elseriver Science B. V., 1997, 119–130.

7.        蓝崇钰, 束文圣, 孙庆业, 采矿地的复垦, : 持续发展与生态学, 陈昌笃主编, 北京: 中国科技出版社, 1993, P132–138

8.        Shu, W.S., Xia, H.P. 2003. Integrated vetiver technique for remediation of soil contaminated by heavy metals: potential and practice. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition: Vetiver and Water. Guangzhou, China, October 2003. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. p428–438 (大会特邀报告)

9.        Xia, H.P., Shu, W.S. 2003. Application of the Vetiver System in the Reclamation of Degraded Land. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition: Vetiver and Water. Guangzhou, China, October 2003. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. p418–428

10.    Shu, W.S. 2003. Exploring the potential utilization of vetiver in treating acid mine drainage (AMD). Proceedings of the third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition: Vetiver and Water. Guangzhou, China, October 2003. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. p215–221

11.    Lin, X.R., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*. 2003. Treatment of landfill leachate by subsurface-flow constructed wetland: a microcosm test. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Vetiver and Exhibition: Vetiver and Water. Guangzhou, China, October 2003. China Agriculture Press, Beijing. p222–230

12.    Shu, W.S., Xia, H.P., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y. and Wong, M.H. 2000. Use of Vetiver and other three grasses for revegetation on a Pb/Zn mine tailings at Lechang, Guangdong Province. A field experiment, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vetiver 2000, Thailand, p62–71 (大会特邀报告)

13.    Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Liao, W.B., Lan, C.Y. Deficiency of nutrients and the role of legume species in restoration of mine wastelands, Mine Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration for the 21 Century——Beijing International Symposium on Land Reclamation, Lu X et al. (eds.), China Coal Industry Publishing House, p514–520, 2000

14.    Wong, M.H., Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Liao, W.B., Lan, C.Y. The role of legumes in the reclamation of derelict land, with emphasis on metal mined land in China. In: Luo Y M et al. (eds.), Proceedings of SoilRem 2000, International Conference of Soil Remediation, Oct.15–19, 2000, Hangzhou, China. p169–176

15.    束文圣, 张志权, 蓝崇钰等. 铅锌尾矿的植被重建研究. 第六次全国土地复垦学术会议论文集, p259–267, 1999.

16.    张志权, 束文圣, 矿业废弃地植被恢复中的养分问题和豆科植物的作用. 第六次全国土地复垦学术会议论文集, p275–281, 1999.



1.        Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., Wong, J.W.C., 1996. Reclamation of a lead/zinc mine tailings at Lechang, China: Acid-forming potential of ore processing residues. International Conference on Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands, 3–6 Dec. 1996, Hong Kong. p7

2.        Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Zhang, Z.Q. et al., 1998. Natural colonization of plants on five Pb/Zn Mine Tailings in South China, The 7th international congress of ecology, Florence, Italy. p390

3.        Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S., Li, S.H., Tang, H.X., 1998. Acid forming potential of five lead/zinc mine tailings in south China, The 7th international congress of ecology, Florence, Italy. p247

4.        Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Zhang, Z.Q. et al., 1998. Lead, zinc and copper tolerance in populations of Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum distichum, International Conference on Environmental Contamination Toxicology and Health, Hong Kong, p66.

5.        Liao, W.B., Lan, C.Y., Hu, H.W., Shu, W.S. and Wong, M.H., Ecological significance of plant community changes of a man-made wetland system for treating lead/zinc mine effluent, International Conference on Environmental Contamination Toxicology

6.        Shu, W.S., Xia, H.P., Zhang, Z.Q., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., 1999. Revegetation of Pb/Zn mine tailings: field trails to compare different plant species, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Chemistry in the Tropics, Hong Kong, p33.

7.        Wang, B.S., Hu, H.W., Shu, W.S., Wong, M.H., 1999. Natural colonization of flora and fauna of lead/zinc mine tailings and pyrite mine spoils in Guangdong, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Chemistry in the Tropics, Hong Kong, p40.

8.        Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., 1999. Soil seed bank as an input of seed source in revegetation of lead/zinc mine tailings and metal uptake by established plants. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Chemistry in the Tropics, Hong Kong, p47.

9.        Liao, B., Yang, K.Y., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S., Study on chemical bound forms of copper in Commelina communis. International Conference on Environmental and Public Management, 2002, Mar12–14, p20, Hong Kong.

10.    Lin, X.R., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Ye, Z.H., Performance of coal refuse, fly ash, cinder, soil and gravel as substrates for wetland microcosms planted with vetiver. International Conference on Environmental and Public Management, 2002, Mar12–14, p22, Hong Kong.

11.    Yang, B., Shu, W.S., Ye, Z.H., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., Growth and heavy metal accumulation in Sesbania rostrata, Sesbania sesbab and Vetiveria zizanioides growing on lead/zinc mine tailings at Lechang. International Conference on Environmental and Public Management, 2002, Mar12–14, p36, Hong Kong.

12.    Yang, K.Y., Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Liao, B., Ecological study on the uptake and accumulation of copper in two ecotypes of Commelina communis. International Conference on Environmental and Public Management, 2002, Mar12–14, p38, Hong Kong.

13.    Zhang, Z.Q., Shu, W.S., Lan, C.Y., Wong, M.H., Early natural vegetation and soil seed banks in an abandoned quarry. International Conference on Environmental and Public Management, 2002, Mar12–14, p50, Hong Kong.

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