


  • 性别:男
  • 职称:副教授
  • 学历:博士
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(1) 水生克隆植物的入侵机制; 研究水生克隆植物的表型可塑性及其对水生环境中生态因子的响应,并从基因组学、表观遗传学等角度进一步探究克隆植物表型可塑性的分子基础。在此基础上,揭示入侵植物在河流中繁殖和扩散的发生机制。 (2) 入侵植物防御物质在入侵过程中的变化及作用; 研究入侵植物在入侵地的防御物质变化,是否由于缺乏天敌而减少防御物质投入,进一步探讨入侵植物生产防御物质及繁殖生长间的资源分配,从植物适合度最佳收益的角度阐明植物入侵的生态学机制。
普通生物学,本科生(非生物专业科学教育班),必修课 植物生理学实验,本科生,必修实验课
国家自然基金面上项目(2015-2018),80万 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2011-2013),21万 中科院西部之光博士项目(2009-2011),10万元 中科院知识创新工程青年人才领域前沿项目基金(2008-2010),8万元; 云南省应用基础研究基金(2008-2010),5万元;



Lei Gao*, Bin Hou, Mingling Cai, Junjie Zhai, Weihua Li, Changlian Peng. General laws of biological invasion based on the sampling of invasive plants in China and the United States. 2018, Global Ecology and Conservation, 16(2018), eoo448.

Lei Gao*, Bo Li, Liang Jin. Can water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) be controlled by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of water bodies? 2016, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 14(3), 77-91.

Lei Gao*, Wenyao Liu, Youxin Shen, Wenjie Liu. Inhibition effects of daughter ramets on parent of clonal plant Eichhornia crassipes. 2013, Aquatic Botany. 107, 47-57.

Youxin Shen*, Lei Gao, Xue Xia, Yuhui Li, Huilin Guan. Successional distance between the source and recipient influence seed germination and seedling survival during surface soil replacement in SW China. 2013, Plos One. 8(11), e79125.

Lei Gao*, Wenyao Liu, Youxin Shen, Wenjie Liu. Trade-off Responses of Clonal Plant Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) to the Allelopathy of Crofton Weed (Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng). 2012, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 58, 313-324

Lei Gao*, Hongmao Liu. Rotation system for cardamom planting and forest regeneration in the tropical rainforest of south-west China. 2009, Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 21,190-197.

高雷*,沈有信, 帅建国,马铭.西双版纳热带山区村寨经济发展的制约因素及致富途径初探.2009,云南农业大学学报.3(4)31-37.

Lei Gao, Bo Li*. A potential native natural enemy of invasive aquatic weed—— water hyacinth. 2006, Biological Invasions. 8, 1689-1692.

Hongmao Liu, Lei Gao*. Ecological implication of cultivation of on a tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. 2006, Biodiversity and Conservation. 15, 2971-2985.

Jinxiu Wang, Hongmao Liu*, Huabin Hu, Lei Gao. Participatory approach for rapid assessment of plant diversity through a folk classification system in tropical rainforest: a case study in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. 2004, Conservation Biology. 18, 1139-1142.

李博*,廖成章,高雷,骆亦其,马志军.入侵植物凤眼莲管理中的若干生态学问题. 2004.复旦学报,43, 265-274.

高雷,李博*.入侵植物凤眼莲研究现状及存在的问题.2004,植物生态学报.28, 735-752.

李博*,廖成章,高雷,骆亦其,马志军.入侵植物凤眼莲管理中的若干生态学问题. 2004.复旦学报,43, 265-274.

高雷,刘宏茂*.西双版纳拔除砂仁后的生态恢复研究. 2003.植物生态学报,27, 366-372.

高雷,刘宏茂*,崔景云,聂泽龙,段其武.西双版纳热带雨林中砂仁种植的可持续性分析. 2002,应用生态学报,13, 262-266.

高雷,刘宏茂*,崔景云,段其武.热带森林——砂仁生态系统可持续性的环境经济学分析. 2001,农村生态环境,1724-28.

高雷.热带雨林下种植砂仁弊大于利. 2001,云南林业.22(4), 6


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